
Have Fun In The Cities Of Former Soviet Union Countries!!

  • Posted On : 10-11-2018

Wilderness, Mountains, Beaches and Untouched Nature is what attracts most of the holiday-goers.

Is there anything at all to do in the place if someone is a city slicker?

The answer is yes, Ofcourse.

Just go to the capital of these countries. It’s really that simple!!

Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakistan, Kyrgyzstan.





 If you got an affinity for concrete, drastic landscapes and good food which, with the exception of a pesky herb called dill, can be ubiquitously found in Former Soviet countries.

The scenery and countryside leaves the people awestruck when travelling, it is the cities of the former-USSR that fascinates the most.



Live the life in Bishkek!!

Get to know the rich culture and history of Nomadic people not only Kyrgyzstan but the whole Central Asia and other regions. The World Nomad Games showcases traditional nomadic games, culture & lifestyle featuring archery, eagle hunting, wrestling and many more.You will enjoy watching not only the different traditional sport games, but also the culture, ethnic dances, songs, crafts and food.

Enjoy a transfer to the town of Cholpon-Ata, which is located on the stunning crystal clear Issyk-Kul lake. The scenic trip passes through Boom Gorge, where you will have a meal at the local cafe, the Chu River and the town of Balykchi. Continue the way to the Cholpon-Ata city where you can choose a place to dine and have a rest at the hotel.




Discover Tashkent!!

Sprawling Tashkent (Toshkent) is Central Asia’s hub and the place where everything in Uzbekistan happens. It’s one part newly built national capital, thick with the institutions of power, and one part leafy Soviet city, and yet another part sleepy Uzbek town, where traditionally clad farmers cart their wares through a maze of mud-walled houses to the grinding crowds of the bazaar. Tashkent is a fascinating jumble of contradictions and well worth to explore.




Welcome to Azerbaijan!!

Selling itself as the ‘Land of Fire’, Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan) is a tangle of contradictions and contrasts. Neither Europe nor Asia, it’s a nexus of ancient historical empires, but also a ‘new’ nation rapidly transforming itself with a super-charged gust of petro-spending.

Azerbaijan’s capital Baku is the architectural love child of Paris and Dubai…albeit with plenty of Soviet genes floating half-hidden in the background.  At its heart, the Unesco-listed Old City (İçəriŞəhər) lies within an exotically crenelated arc of fortress wall. Around this are gracefully illuminated stone mansions and pedestrianised tree-lined streets filled with exclusive boutiques. In the last decade, countless towers have mushroomed, dwarfing or replacing tatty old Soviet apartment blocks. Some of the finest new builds are jaw-dropping masterpieces. Meanwhile romantic couples canoodle their way around wooded parks and hold hands on the Caspian-front bulvar (promenade), where greens and opal blues make a mockery of Baku’s desert-ringed location.




Set trends in Almaty!!

The leafy city of Almaty (Alma-Ata; Алматы), with a backdrop of the snowcapped Zailiysky Alatau, has always been among the more appealing Russian creations in Central Asia. Today Almaty’s new rich have expensive suburban apartments, large SUVs, glitzy shopping malls, Western-style coffee lounges, expensive restaurants, dance-till-dawn nightclubs and new ski resorts to help them enjoy life to the full. Meanwhile, others from the city’s outer districts and the countryside squeeze into packed buses and rickety marshrutkas around the Green Market (Zelyony Bazar) or Sayakhat bus station. But it’s beyond the cities that you’ll find the greatest travel adventures, whether hiking in the high mountains and green valleys of the Tian Shan, searching for wildlife on the lake-dotted steppe, enjoying homespun hospitality in village guesthouses, or jolting across the western deserts to remote underground mosques.

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