
Covid 2019 washing away your Wedding Plans 2020?

  • Posted On : 17-04-2020

You Can Turn Things in Your Favour with these 5 ‘CO-WED’ Tips!

Getting married to your special one is an extraordinary feeling and every person looks forward to enjoying their D-day to the fullest.

Wedding preparations already come with a towering strain not only on the to-be bride and groom but for their families as well. For many of you who got fixed to be married in 2020, god had an unpleasant twist planned – the COVID 19 outbreak that led the world to come to an
absolute halt.

“Why us?” must be the thought crossing your mind a million times throughout the day. India, a place where on an average 30,000 weddings take place, you can imagine how many couples must be dealing with the same situation. In fact, the crisis has hit those the hardest who had
weddings in March & April.

What has happened cannot be changed but what is yet to happen can be managed and coped up with.

Before we suggest ways of how you can mitigate your wedding plans keeping in mind the COVID 19, we first want you to know some things :

● Take a deep breath and remind yourself that it is going to be alright.
● You can still have a beautiful wedding, just maybe not in a way you had previously imagined.
● It’s a crisis that has affected everyone in the world. You are not alone. Stay calm and be a support to your loved ones.
● Everything goes well in the end.


Now, let’s get to the main point. How can you plan the wedding with respect to COVID 19?

The foremost thing the couples need to do is to push their wedding plans at least till the second
quarter so that you can get a clearer picture and have enough time to manage things better.

Find destinations near you!

You have always dreamt of a destination wedding, maybe an overseas wedding. Amid this global crisis, we would strongly advise you to reconsider wedding plans outside India. However, you can still make your dream of a destination wedding come true.

Explore unique destinations near you. See somewhere you and your guests can reach through private accommodation like hired buses or cars. One, this will minimize the risk of the spread, plus, you will be able to accommodate proper hygiene and sanitation measures for your guests
during the journey.

2. Limit the guest list & ensure their health!

Cut down on your guest lists and avoid large gatherings. Go for an intimate wedding affair.
Trust us, it will be more fun. Nowadays, more and more couples are opting for intimate weddings as it gives them the chance to loosen up, have fun, and be more involved with the wedding activities and guests.

The second crucial measure amid the COVID 19 situation is to request your guests for a mandatory health checkup just prior to attending the wedding. People who feel unwell, have a fever, or any flu-like symptoms, if possible, should avoid attending the wedding, otherwise, should take strict measures to avoid close contact with other guests during the wedding

3. Ever thought of wedding insurance? You must now!

The coronavirus crisis has led to a great amount of uncertainty. Weddings are expensive, especially, Indian weddings. It’s a good idea to avail of insurance for your wedding venue and event. The couple must look out for policies that cover these specific conditions, as it can reduce the financial stress on them as well as their families.

4. How about wedding distancing?

You can really go creative to ensure physical distancing during the wedding. As it is, an intimate wedding would mean lesser people attending your wedding. You can also take the following precautionary and safety measures:-

● Ditch the theatre-style stage seating and instead go for small round-table settings placed at safe distances, ensuring that each table has 4 or a maximum of 5 chairs.

● You can also do away with the popular buffet-style food arrangement that puts people in close proximity to one another. Instead, you can opt for a long table seating, where chairs are kept at a safe distance from one another, and French service style, where the waiters/waitresses can serve the meals ensuring that the food is not touched and passed on by many hands.

● The greetings can be exchanged in a classic Indian way of folding hands and avoiding handshakes or hugs. Taking extra precautions, for the wedding gifts, the couple and families can request the guests to place them in a dedicated area or room, eliminating the need to touch them.

Go creative with wedding hampers and favours!

Mehendi favours, hangover kits, snack baskets in the rooms, etc. are ways to show that you care for your guests. If you are planning the wedding this year, it makes a lot of sense to plan your wedding hampers and favours in lieu of COVID 19. You can prepare COVID safety kits for each guest that can contain a pocket sanitizer, face masks, tissues, etc.

The Bottom Line

In order to accommodate these changes in your wedding plans and help you seamlessly plan your wedding in regard to COVID 19, an experienced and well-networked team is indispensable.

The couples need a planner that understands their priorities; desires and creatively addresses them in the light of the pandemic that the world is facing. Suitcase Diaries has already established itself as one of a kind personalized and customized event and holiday planning company in the country. Get in touch now and consult our experts for planning a wedding in 2020 amid the COVID 19 situation.

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